
Not all steps

You have got to get those 10,000 steps in because “they say” you should. Let’s not get into who ‘they’ are right now and focus more on the intention and intensity which you take those steps. Taking a strolling through the mall is not the same as a speedy power walk along the seafront to break a sweat even though both walks were each 5000 steps. So let’s be realistic about what your intensity is when you move.

Let’s address a couple simple points to always keep in mind.

Some steps are better than no steps at all.

Your body will adapt to every day regular movement. In exercise we call it a plateau. Example: If you walk every day with your friends and in the beginning you saw a difference with your body changing and becoming more fit that is normal. But after doing the exact same thing month after month, year after year, you stops seeing changes.

If you wish to get healthier and more fit than you are and already are walking, you MUST vary your intensity to have a change.

Follow your breath to create change. If you can walk and talk you are burning less calories than what you are if you are breathing heavy and can barely speak. Work between these two intensities a few minutes at a time to help your body from becoming too adapted to the movement that you no longer see progress with your body.

Or increase the amount of time, distance or steps you do.

It all depends on your goals. Knowing how your body responses and how frequently it adapts to movement is essential when it comes to reaching and maintaining your fitness goals. The more you know your body and are aware of how it changes and adapts, it will help you know when you need to mix things up or change what your are currently doing.

REWIRE28 is a wellness program designed to help you get in the habit of moving more and increase your body awareness.

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Made to move

Our bodies were made to move! We often get hung up on the idea of needing to be flexible or strong, and forget that neither of these fitness components have any value if we don’t have mobility. This all begins at the joints. We have 360 joints in the body – they were designed to be used and moved.

When we stop moving and spend more time sitting these joints become less mobile and over time it begins to restrict your overall movement. If you get an injury, the initial reaction is to protect which results in stiffen and not move the closest joints to the injury. By not moving the joints this restricts circulation of fresh healing blood to the point of injury.

Again, over time this restricts and decreases the mobility in the area joints over time. (*In cases of actual joint injury, immobilization can be the first stage of treatment but will have the same result of stiffness and loss of mobility.)

One of the best things you can do for your body on a daily basis is to spend five to ten minutes a day (best in the mornings or before a workout) applying a joint mobility routine to your daily rituals. This means to spend time focusing on moving every joint in your body and working to increase the range of motion throughout the joints.

There are so many benefits to doing this such as: increasing circulation of blood throughout the body, warming up the body for strength training, helps eliminate stiffness in the body, increases your range of motion, helps prepare the tendons for flexibility work and so much more. Give it a try and see for yourself!

FIRST28 specifically teaches you a joint mobility routine for your MOVEMENT warm-up to help you gain these daily benefits by just moving all those joints.

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